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Motherhood: A Pinch of Strictness and a Dash of Fun

I always envisioned myself as the cool mom in this journey of motherhood, the kind of parent whose children felt more like friends than subordinates. And in many ways, that’s the reality I’ve cultivated. My kids are blessed with abundance—they dive into their desires headfirst, and I’m right there, cheering them on, striving to make their journey through life as joyful and exciting as possible.

I even find joy in the little unconventional things, like watching them munch on TLT sandwiches (our unique take on the classic BLT) in the bathtub, or hearing the thumps and giggles as they jump on the bed. Our home doesn’t echo with the ticking of a clock marking bedtimes; instead, it beats with the rhythm of our laughter and adventures.


But for all the freedom and fun

I do harbor a streak of strictness—selective, but significant. There are realms where I draw firm lines, and non-negotiable boundaries that mark the values I hold dear and wish to instill in my children.

Dining out, for example, serves as a stage for enjoying food and practicing the art of good manners. It’s a nonstarter that we won’t contribute to the clutter of visually displeasing, ephemeral ‘junk’ toys that flood the markets. And in conversations, whether they’re being addressed or it’s simply their turn to contribute, I expect them to be alert, and give the speaker the courtesy of a prompt and thoughtful response.

These expectations aren’t arbitrary

They stem from a place of deep generational generosity that I was fortunate enough to be raised in—a kind of familial wealth that goes beyond material possessions. It’s a generosity of spirit, a willingness to pour into others without hesitation. It’s this legacy of generosity that I’m eager to pass on to my children. Yet, I’m also aware that true generosity isn’t just about giving but also about understanding boundaries, about recognizing the ‘narrow gates’ that guide us towards becoming individuals of substance and respect.

In this journey of parenthood

I’ve come to realize that it’s not about being strictly fun-loving or unyieldingly strict. It’s about finding the balance, about knowing when to bend and when to stand firm. It’s about teaching my children through the life we share that the essence of living beautifully lies in this dance of contrasts.

To all the fellow moms navigating this complex, wondrous journey of raising the next generation, I say: Embrace your unique blend of strictness and fun. It’s this very mix that shapes the path your children walk on—the path that teaches them not just to live but to thrive with grace, respect, and an unquenchable zest for life.

Welcome to this incredibly dynamic

Ever-surprising adventure called motherhood. It’s a rollercoaster, sure, but the views are spectacular.