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A Family Dining Adventure at Bermuda’s

A Family Dining Adventure at Bermuda’s: During a work trip that led us through the lovely Greenwood, SC, my family and I found a perfect opportunity to not just explore the local scene but also celebrate a very special occasion.

It was in honor of Claire, who had just given a delightful performance in her first youth theater play, an experience that thrilled the entire family. The play was “Willie Wonka,” a production that filled us with joy and pride as we watched Claire shine on stage.

To add to the excitement, the night before the play, we had a family movie night watching the original “Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory,” starring Gene Wilder, whose portrayal of Wonka was nothing short of iconic. Completing our immersive experience, we each indulged in a candy bar, bringing the magic of the movie vividly to life—it was a blast!

In the midst of celebrating Claire’s theatrical debut, which she wished could go on forever while eagerly looking forward to her next opportunity to perform, we discovered Bermuda’s Restaurant at Stoney Point. It became a highlight of our trip, adding to our joyful celebrations with its embodiment of genuine Southern hospitality.

Nestled in the heart of Greenwood, Bermuda’s greeted us with warmth and elegance, making it feel like stepping into a cozy, welcoming home. This dining experience became a memorable part of our celebration, affirming the feeling of togetherness and accomplishment.

Bermuda’s greeted us with warmth and elegance

The menu was a hit with everyone, from the kids’ delightfully sized burgers that were just right for our young adventurers, including Claire, to the adults appreciating the exquisite berry salad with shrimp, elegantly dressed in a house-prepared orange vinaigrette. The culinary journey was a pleasure to all senses and showcased the kitchen’s commitment to flavor and excellence.

Adding to the charm of our night at Bermuda’s was discovering that the restaurant was hosting shag dancing in the main dining room that evening. The air buzzed with excitement, and even though our meal concluded just as the dancing festivities were getting underway, that vibrant energy provided a delightful backdrop to our celebration.

During our visit, we learned of Bermuda’s impending transition to new ownership, a piece of news that stirred a mix of curiosity and hopeful anticipation. The ambiance, the attentive service from the wonderful wait staff, and the delicious meals had already made Bermuda’s a cherished memory in our family’s celebration of Claire’s achievement.

As we left Bermuda’s Restaurant at Stoney Point, our hearts were heavy with the longing to return, not only to relive the exceptional dining experience but also to envelop ourselves once more in the warmth, care, and vibrant energy that makes Bermuda’s an extraordinary place for family celebrations.

Reflecting on our brief but enriching visit to Greenwood and our time at Bermuda’s, we’re reminded of the joy, pride, and togetherness our family shared, not just in celebrating Claire’s theatrical debut but also in finding new places that feel like home. We eagerly look forward to our next visit, hoping to create even more cherished memories at Bermuda’s, a testament to true southern hospitality in Greenwood, SC.